The Norwegian Public Health Association (NOPHA), established in 1998, works interdisciplinarily to increase understanding and interest in public health research, teaching, dissemination, policy development, management and practice.

We are working towards three goals:


To build bridges

The Norwegian Public Health Association shall be a meeting place and a bridge builder between researchers, practitioners, the business community, those who work voluntarily and those who design politics in the field.

To collaborate

The Norwegian Public Health Association shall be a relevant partner nationally, and is represented by participation in Nordic, European and global arenas.

To spread knowledge

The Norwegian Public Health Association shall contribute to increasing the understanding of the public health perspective in research, education, dissemination and management.

Public health conference

Since 2005, NOPHA has arranged an annual national public health conference. The conference has become Norway’s most important public health event with 400-500 participants from all over the country, mainly public health practitioners from municipalities and the counties.

More information (in Norwegian) on www.folkehelsekonferansen.no

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