In cooperation, the public health associations in the Nordic countries invite to a short webinar on Approaches for prevention of loneliness
Feel free to prepare by reading the proposed Swedish strategy on combating loneliness before the meeting.
Thursday 3rd April 2025:
11:00-12:05 Scandinavian time
12:00-13:05 Finnish time
The webinar will be in English. Admission is free and open to participation from everyone interested.
Link will be published in this article
11:00 Short introduction
Head of board in Scandinavian Journal of Public Health Geir Sverre Braut
11:05 A national strategy to reduce and prevent loneliness in Sweden
Hillevi Busch, PhD and senior analyst, Folkhälsomyndigheten, Sverige
11:25 Comments from Denmark
Mathias Lasgaard, professor
11:35 Comments from Finland
Niina Junttila, professor
11:45 Comments from Norway
Maja Eilertsen, physician, spec. community medicine
11:55 Short discussion
12:05 End of programme
(The programme may still be slightly adjusted.)