Dag 4 av Folkehelseuken og dagens tema er «equal health for all».
More equality in health will create more equal societies. Improving health and well-being for all will bring wider economic, social and environmental benefits. The circumstances in which we are born, grow up, live, work and age should not affect our chance of good health. How does your region ensure equal health for all?
Se denne filmen fra Robert Wood Johnson Foundation som forklarer forskjellen på equity og equality:
Om filmen: In the United States, we talk a lot about “equality.” But for all of us to have a fair and just opportunity to live our healthiest lives, we need to talk about “equity.” That means different people might need different things, the same way we need different bicycles. Learn more at http://www.rwjf.org/healthequity
Les mer om dagens tema her: https://eupha.org/general_page.php?p=186

Hovedbilde: “Interaction Institute for Social Change» | Artist: Angus Maguire.” Interactioninstitute.org / madewithangus.com.