Webinar monday 7th October 2024: Population based nutritional advice

Aerial view of people toasting together

In cooperation, the public health associations in the Nordic countries invite to a short webinar on Implementation in the population of recommendations on nutrition. The webinar will be in English. Admission is free and open to participation from everyone interested.

Monday 7th October 2024

11:00-12:05 Scandinavian time

12:00-13:05 Finnish time

Join the lectures here


11:00 Short introduction by Norwegian Association of Public Health

11:05 Implementation of Nordic Nutritional Recommendations (NNR 2023) by Norwegian public health authorities.

Special adviser Ole Berg, Norwegian Directorate of Health

11:20 Recommendation on cost-effective (efficient) nutritional advice.

Professor Geir Sverre Braut, Stavanger University Hospital

11:25 Comments

Professor Maijaliisa Erkkola, Helsinki University

11:35 Comments

Nutritional epidemiologist Kirsten S. Bjørnsbo, Steno Diabetes Center, Copenhagen

11:45 Comments

Professor Ulf Risérus, Uppsala University

11:55 Open discussion

12:05 End of programme

Background material

NNR 2023: https://www.norden.org/en/publication/nordic-nutrition-recommendations-2023

Norwegian nutritional advice: https://www.helsedirektoratet.no/tema/kosthold-og-ernaering/kostradene

Report on efficient nutritional advice: https://www.regjeringen.no/contentassets/0d8fffbf76aa494b80ac7e588a8ce8a6/nn-no/pdfs/effektive-kosthaldstiltak.pdf

(The programme may still be slightly adjusted.)

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